
Self inflicted

I can picture her with her lovers,

(guys in the night, groping in bars…

promises whispered under the


awkward morning-afters….)

It stings like a slap in the face,

like a long-hidden lie.

The worst part comes

when I find myself

still able

to think sweetly of her.

What form of hatred

can compel me

to hurt myself

so much?

To Stranraer

I keep re-seeing
(if that’s a thing)
the location
in Glasgow
where the blank-cab
picked me up.
I do not remember
exactly where
this was
but the image
is crystalline.
I don’t want to active
any meaning
but being human,
I must.
I had yet to lean
on anyone
that summer,
but in a few days
I would be sharing a room
with an old friend
in Dublin.
This was,
in a way,
my last solo travel
and so it became burned
on my brain
and crops up
from time-to-time
up remind me
of solitude
as companion.

The following poems were written between January 1991 and May 1996. They follow the arc of a relationship from new love, through the relationship and to a falling out and falling apart. All wounds have long since healed, and all parties are well past acrimony. Thank you for reading, following and liking.