
Mother’s Day

As I think about things,

my feelings,

the worst parts about

what it is that I am…

I try to remember

that I am just working my way

through the world

one day at a time.

It’s easy to offer advice

to the people around us,

to tell folks,

“I did this, and you should too”.

The reality is,

on any given day,

we’re working out

what it is

we’re supposed to be.

Nobody knows anything.

There are no geniuses,

there are just,

after the fact,


Let’s instruct

one – another.

Night passes

The night hides,
the night shelters.
Even now,
with dawn
it is dark.
A darkness
as deep
as any night.
Most people
fear the night:
not as in terror,
but in discomfit
and worry.
I have never felt that.
I liken the night,
the dark,
to a blanket.
I wear it as a cloak,
or a shield.
The dark pushes
the world away
and leaves me
in happy solitude.
The sun will rise
in less than an hour
and I will begin to feel
the pressure of the new day,
even though
mine began
hours ago….

To Stranraer

I keep re-seeing
(if that’s a thing)
the location
in Glasgow
where the blank-cab
picked me up.
I do not remember
exactly where
this was
but the image
is crystalline.
I don’t want to active
any meaning
but being human,
I must.
I had yet to lean
on anyone
that summer,
but in a few days
I would be sharing a room
with an old friend
in Dublin.
This was,
in a way,
my last solo travel
and so it became burned
on my brain
and crops up
from time-to-time
up remind me
of solitude
as companion.


How long
must I wait
for brief moments
of unaltered
as time goes on.
of prior moments
my memories:
Birth of my child;
saturated with sound
at a concert….
Too few now.
In my youth
I lived
bathed in
like an endless
desert sun…
baking my soul
with mind rattling
I owned the world…
or a piece of it.
The desert is still here…
but that sun
is harsh
and that euphoria,
the constant periods
of joy,
are few
and unoften.
I am either numb
drifting off.


And treating the light that strikes my eyes

to shade from a possible deep loss

is a cause

that leads to my blindness….

Stumble and list…

day upon day:

still, I’m here,

still, I’m lost.

In the dim corner of my room

the curtains open to dark night

so as not to be without some comfort…

fear the new day,

fear the next day,

fear the next choice…

no longer mourning the loss

only the plans I’d made,

give me all that I deserve,

give it all that I may stop wondering,

stop such and finally know.

I’ve never feared the future

only the wait and the not knowing.

Mine, now… in solitude.

What am I to do

in a world

as sick and lost

as the orbit of this one

gives to us?

Where have we gotten to

that love and warmth

seem lost

to complacency

and apathy?

I look to the masses

and see nothing,

save for the diligence

in going on

about their day,

and filling their needs.

For now, it seems,

it will suffice for them

to buy their beauty

and grace

from the vendors

who’ve told them

they need it

because it is new

and improved.




My heart rots

for the long lost visage

of unpicked flowers

and handwritten notes of love.

My world has lost its passion,

it’s all I’ve got.