Month: March 2015


This morning was foggy;
dense, heavy
and laying
in layers.
It functioned
like a lens
and broke the rising sun
in two parts:
the explosive light
of the sun
and the other
the simple image
of the sun as a disc,
like one sees
during an eclipse.
It was odd.
The raging of the sun
and the simple beauty
from each other.
Sometimes I can see
myself in this way:
two halves.
The unfocused chaos
of a life
in progress
and the simple visage
of the man himself
riding that chaotic wave.
I too
am raging.

Blood in the streets

I found myself
to Morrison’s
An American Prayer
the other day
and I recalled
how much I once wanted
to have my work
sound as well
when read
His poetry has been
vastly underrated,
his narrative style
The cadence
is addictive,
the balance of syllables
I will humor myself
and read
(with soft intonation)
one of my longer pieces
and pretend,
for just a minute,
that I am holding court
(and a pint)
on a dark backroom
of a bookstore,
or some venue,
while people listen
with rapt affections.
Then I break my trance
and step away
from this hollow


Why are we so eager
to wound
or insult
those for whom
we are said to have
the deepest
What you said
can only be
cruel and barbed
and if said by a stranger
would require a response
of intense vitriol.
But you said it.
I felt a shadow pass
between our orbits
and I cannot stand
the chill therein.
I have no way
to tell you this
so I will leave it
to fester here…


I know I do the thing

where I talk about the banal

like it only happens to me,

like I’m the only fucker

seeing this passage of time,

or complaining about the triviality

of the day-to-day.

But god-damn it,

we each only get

the one-fucking-seat

on this bus-trip from hell

that we call “our-lives”

and fuck it,

I’m gonna’ look out my window

at the same fields and farms,

the same dreary landscapes,

and make the same tired observations

as everyone else

who came before.

It’s my birthright.

I get to be the first person

who read Kerouac,


and Bukowski…

the first person who discovered

that the simple day-to-day

was tiresome

and soul-destroying…

and I’m going to bore you with it….

so fucking belt-in…

it’s a long ride.